Sunday Recreational Baseball
At Newton, Mass., Henry Baseball is looking for new players ages 16 to 45 to play Sundays at 11 a.m., games are finished by 2 p.m.; league also needs coaches and volunteers; contact Henry at 781-891-0621
LL World Series trip
At Millinocket, Millinocket Little League bus trip to 2012 Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa., four-day, three-night trip, Aug. 16-19, opening weekend of LLWS, two days at LLWS and a stop at National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., on return trip; cost per person, based on hotel room occupancy: single $805, double $500, triple $395, quadruple $345, quintuple $315, includes roundtrip motorcoach, three nights hotel, transportation to and from stadium and admission to the Hall of Fame; LLWS admission is free; contact Brian Brown at 731-8053 or
July 16-27
At Bangor, Bangor Hoops Summer Basketball Program, girls and boys camps, girls for grades 1-6, 7-12, boys for grades 3-4, 5-7, 8-12, at James Doughty School or Bangor High, $50 per week, need-based scholarships are available, contact Katie Herbine 624-1476 or Roger Reed 848-5136
Coyote Camp
At Old Town, Elementary School, Coyote Boys JamCamp July 16-20, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., open to boys entering grades 4-12, for fun and skill development, contact Brian E. McDormand, Old Town boys varsity basketball coach, 207-290-7641 or
Eagles Basketball Camps
At Bangor, Husson University, boys camp July 29-Aug. 2, girls camp Aug. 5-9, grades 3-9, $425 overnight, $375 day camp
?Bears ?n? Claws? Dinner
At Bangor, coach Richard Barron?s home, University of Maine women?s basketball team ?Bears ?n? Claws? dinner, July 19, 6-8 p.m. at choice of lobster or hamburger with potato salad, corn, desserts and drinks, $50 per person, those under 10 eat free from kids? menu, all proceeds benefit the Friends of Maine Women?s Basketball; contact Tracy Guerrette at or by phone at 207-581-1075.
Saturday, July 21
At Fort Fairfield, Forbes Landing on Aroostook River, Regatta on the Aroostook, canoe and kayak race, registration 3-4:30 p.m. 6.5 miles of flat water, $10 per person, for info contact 472-3882 or 227-6306
Sunday, July 22
At Fort Fairfield, Fort Fairfield Community Center, Spud Cycle Classic Bicycle Race, registration 8 a.m., 25- and 12-mile races start at the Blockhouse on Main Street, $15 per rider, for info contact 472-3882 or 227-6306
Spirit Camp
At Orono, University of Maine Student Recreation Center, July 25-27, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., grades 1-6, instruction will be provided by the University of Maine Cheerleaders; for more info, email, or call Tami Campbell at 862-3355.
Classes for Prospective Officials
At Bangor, ROTC Room, Bangor High School, Bangor Chapter of Maine Football Officials to hold classes for prospective officials, Tuesdays for 11 weeks at 7 p.m., starting Aug. 14; successful candidates will work middle school games next fall; call Alan Kochis at 989-4372 or Allan Snell at 835-4515
Brewer seeks coaches
Brewer Youth Football is looking for interested and experienced football coaches to potentially coach in its youth football program for grades 3-4 or 5-6; those interested may send notification
and contact information to
UMaine High School Day Camp
At Saco, Thornton Academy, University of Maine football team high school day camp, July 26, 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., $25 per person; Black Bear coaches will conduct drills and competitions, only equipment needed is cleats; to register or for more information, contact coach Shawn Demaray at; deadline is July 23; players must fill out medical and risk forms, available at, and take them to the camp.
7-on-7 Camp
At Orono, University of Maine, Alfond Stadium, UMaine football team?s 7-on-7 High School Tournament, July 28, ?two-hand touch? event includes morning round-robin play and single-elimination playoffs in the afternoon, UMaine coaches will officiate; $150 per team, athletes should bring a lunch, snacks, footballs, a jersey, sneakers and cleats; no pads needed; cost includes UMaine t-shirt; to register or for information, contact coach Shawn Demaray at by July 20; players must fill out medical and risk forms and take them to the camp.
July 23-27
At Winterport, Junior Golf Camp at Sonny?s Par 3 and Driving Range, ages 11-14, July 23-27, 8-11:30 a.m., golf fundamentals, rules and 9-hole tourney on final day, for info contact 223-5242 or visit
Friday, Aug. 3
At Rocky Knoll CC, Orrington, Brewer High School?s Class of 1967 Golf Scramble, 1-4 p.m., $25, prizes, tourney benefits BHS Scholarship Fund, alumni and friends welcome, sign up at Rocky Knoll or contact Lynn Hunt at 989-5876 or on the BHSClassof67 website
Saturday, Aug. 18
At Rocky Knoll CC, 7th annual John Bapst Hockey Boosters Golf Tournament, noon registration, 1 p.m. shotgun start, prizes, team entry of $300 includes carts, meals, mulligans, for more information, visit or contact Melissa Harvey at 207-949-7535 or email
Saturday, July 14
At Hermon, Hermon High School, 7th Annual Danforth?s to Dysart?s 5K Road Race and Blueberry Pie Challenge, 8 a.m. Fun Run ($5 half-mile), 8:30 a.m. 5K Walk ($15), 9 a.m. 5K ($15), for extra $10, run two miles, eat a piece of blueberry pie and finish race; race-day registration 7 a.m.; race benefits Hermon High cross country team
Saturday, Aug. 11
At Calais, 33rd Annual Johnson?s 5-Mile International Road Race, 9 a.m., contact the Calais Rec Department 454-2761 or
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