Friday, August 2, 2013

Council candidates join chorus of Lowell mayor's critics


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LOWELL -- City Council candidates on Wednesday joined the growing criticism of Mayor Patrick Murphy's recent comments implying that Zoning Board of Appeals members voted against a methadone clinic's proposed relocation because of payoffs.

The reactions from the candidates The Sun reached ranged from those agreeing with two city councilors and a ZBA member that Murphy should resign, to others calling on Murphy to apologize to those he criticized in his remarks.

Some also said they want to see any evidence Murphy has and how the mayor handles the controversy should be up to him, though no candidate defended the mayor's comments.

James Milinazzo, a former mayor looking to get back onto the council, said he has known some of the ZBA members for years and they are reputable people he respects. He said as a former mayor he did not want to comment on what action Murphy should take now, but expressed his disapproval of the remarks implying payoffs were exchanged.

"I think they painted a lot of public officials with a very broad brush and I think it was unfortunate," Milinazzo said. "He is still mayor and the leader of the legislative body, and as mayor you need to be a little more careful with your comments."

First-time candidate Danny Rourke said he thought Murphy was wrong to question the integrity of ZBA members and said that at least he should explain why he would do so.

"As the mayor of the city, you want someone to be an ambassador for the city," said Rourke. "You want Lowell to be seen in a good light and in a good way. Stuff like those comments is not in the best interest of the city."

First-time candidate Erik Gitschier said he would like to see Murphy produce any evidence he has to back up his statements, but does not believe anyone on the ZBA took payoffs.

Gitschier, who serves on the Greater Lowell Technical High School Committee, said that if Murphy can't produce any evidence, he should consider resigning.

"If you don't have evidence and make comments like that, you are tarnishing the image of the office," said Gitschier. "That office should be held to a higher standard."

Candidates Fred Doyle and Matt Vieira joined City Councilors Rita Mercier and Rodney Elliott in saying Murphy should step down for his comments, as well as other previous missteps. ZBA member and council candidate Corey Belanger had also called for Murphy's resignation on Tuesday.

Vieira said he thinks Murphy should have resigned months ago for prior mistakes, including his actions that insulted the local Greek community.

"He is a disgrace to the city, poor representation to the council, and undoubtedly an untrustworthy individual to lead as chairman of the council and School Committee," said Vieira, who also called for Murphy to produce evidence to back up his claims.

Doyle said Murphy's comments are just the latest controversy he has brought on himself, and Murphy should spare the city and himself further problems by relinquishing the chair as mayor and serving out the term as a councilor.

"I think he loves upsetting the apple cart and getting in the spotlight with controversy, but he is under the wrong spotlight now," said Doyle. "He should get out of the spotlight."

First-time candidate Derek Mitchell said councilors should be working to move the city forward, and Murphy's comments do not help to do that.

"The role of the mayor and the councilors is to represent the city in a positive light," Mitchell said. "Airing dirty laundry in public is not the most effective leadership style."

Mitchell pointed to the apology Murphy issued several months ago when he came under fire for offending the Greek community, and Mitchell suggested it may help if Murphy wrote something similar to clarify his remarks about the ZBA.

Former Lowell High School Headmaster Bill Samaras, a first-time candidate, said he thinks the mayor was wrong to suggest ZBA members did not vote based on what they think is right. Samaras suggested that Murphy sit down with the ZBA members to discuss his comments and consider apologizing.

"We can criticize an idea, but we should not be criticizing each other," Samaras said. "That prevents some people from giving their honest opinion. I would hope the mayor would reflect on this."

Van Pech, who previously said Murphy's comments came out of left field, said Wednesday that Murphy should reach out to the ZBA members he criticized and consider apologizing. Murphy made the comments at a July party for Pech, a ZBA alternate and second-time council candidate.

Stacie Hargis, another first-time candidate, said she could "not speak to what Murphy was thinking or trying to get across with his statement." She did not address what the mayor should do about his comments, but wrote in an email that she thinks it important for there to be transparent government.

"What we should be asking is how accessible is information about who has contracts or other business with the city?" Hargis wrote.

On Wednesday, City Councilor Marty Lorrey called for Murphy to present any evidence to back up his statements about ZBA members. Lorrey said that if Murphy does not have any evidence, he should consider resigning.

Candidate Rick Misitano did not respond to requests for comment.

Murphy has not responded to requests for comment on his remarks.

City Manager Bernie Lynch appoints ZBA members and the council must confirm his appointments.

Follow Lyle Moran on Twitter @lylemoran.


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