Thursday, August 2, 2012

Little Gumnut: Just a spoonful of sugar...

When you've got a grotty cold, a little bit of this....
and a little bit of this...

...make all the difference in the world.

I remember falling off the swing when I was about seven and after bumping my head, my mum gave me a cuddle and a spoonful of honey 'to help with the shock'. ?My kids have 'bump sweeties'. ?

Mary Poppins's song "Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" has become embedded in my psyche, perhaps because when we have unpleasant things to go through, something fun, something special to do or to eat makes the world seem a better place.

We've come to the same conclusion in family life, when things are hard going, finances are tight, busyness is at an all-time high, when children are sick or when work is long and/or tedious and the hoovering seems to go on forever, we know that we need to plan in some family fun times. ?Board games, a day trip somewhere, a movie and popcorn at home or in the cinema, a family treat.

Unconsciously I do it when the hubster has to work late into the night or is away overnight. ?I let the kids stay up late to watch their favourite show, eat lots of chocolate, get takeaway, put the electric blanket on and hire a chick flick. ?It's amazing how we are perked up by feel good factors. ?That spoonful of sugar really does make the medicine go down.

Recently it has simply been a case of hey we haven't done anything fun together in a while?so we're planning to make some memories and are collecting ideas on what to do this weekend.?

In the meantime though, the hubster and I were both sick with horrid headcolds so we decided to have a mini-date while he was at home recovering. ?The Third Wheel was there, but still, sitting having a coffee and lunch by a woodburning stove made it a little bit spesh.

Sad to say my two year old Little Bun has started to screech No photos! and putting her hand over the camera. ?Ahem. ?What's a blogger to do?


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