Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Selling the GOP Platform: 2 Good Men, 1 Hard Job ... - Yahoo! Finance

Front and center on the Republican convention agenda in Tampa is jobs and economic growth, rightly getting the top billing among six main categories within the GOP 2012 Platform that range from Foreign Policy, National Security and Defense, all the way to Family Values and Faith Based Issues.

While the weather will be the biggest wildcard at this quadrennial event, Financial Policy Analyst Ed Mills, of FBR Capital Markets says the big topical push will be about reining in a government that's out of control and ineffective.

"They're going to give this presentation that, if they get control, they'll cut spending and cut regulation and allow the free market to work again," Mills says in the attached video. "There's not much they (the Republicans) can do except hope that voters see what Obama has done with the economy, and dislike it."

Along with spending, Mills says to expect plenty of talk on the tax side of the equation as well, with particular emphasis on their commitment to lowering rates on all individuals and corporations, closing loop holes and limiting deductions -- except the mortgage interest deductions.

"That's never going away," he says of the annual interest write-off taken by 65% of American who have a mortgage. Even though it is the biggest and most expensive deduction allowed, Mills says it will always rank "dead last" on a list of possible tax tightening targets.

Perhaps the big goal of the convention, Mills says, will be to sell the voting public on the idea that Romney and Ryan are good men facing a hard job and to "get the likability factor up."

Another key area of outreach falls under the Government Reform heading, which also doubles as a side entrance for Ron Paul supporters to get into the big Republican tent. Issues here are many and diverse, but none is more charged than overturning Obamacare, or more appealing than reducing the burden of government regulation.

The convention itself has been tightened by one day, but the must-see events are still intact, including the keynote speeches Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Vice Presidential pick Paul Ryan, and finally Mitt Romney himself.

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/breakout/selling-gop-platform-2-good-men-1-hard-162938537.html

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