Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Open Invitation to Fitbloggin' 2012 Attendees to Guest Blog

Well, Roni Noone (and team) did it again! Fitbloggin? (appeared) to be a grand success as the third annual event wrapped up this weekend. The health and fitness blogging conference attracts hundreds of bloggers and well-aligned brands from all over the country to converge on Baltimore?s inner harbor for a fun-filled, fast-paced, invaluable weekend. This was the third year that DietsInReview.com was able to attend (this year I presented on SEO for Bloggers), and certainly not to be our last!

One of the better sessions of the weekend was presented by Carla Birnburg of MizFit, which focused on attracting and working with media. A lot of great ideas were shared, including guest blogs. If you?re ready to work on stretching your guest blogging muscles, we?d love to have anyone from this year?s Fitbloggin?!

Carla said she dedicates 90 minutes every day to pitching herself and her brand to media of all types and sizes. She does this early in the day to assure her emails get received and before other obligations get the best of her schedule. I was one of the louder individuals in the audience, but as the recipient of hundreds of writer and brand pitches every week, I wanted to ensure the Fitbloggin? attendees knew how to break through the noise.

I advised everyone to keep that initial email short and sweet ? four sentences at most to quickly introduce themselves and their (really awesome) story idea. As well, to be sure their blog or site URL was included in the email. It?s even fine to speak to the brevity of the message, and suggest a more in depth conversation or pitch that can happen if the editor is interested.

Well Fitbloggin? bloggers, I?m interested! If you want to guest blog, use my email on the business card I shared or click here to email me.

Not that I was surprised, but this year seemed to have such an even smarter, motivated, inspiring, and committed group of fitness and health bloggers than in the previous years we?ve had the pleasure of attending. While it was at the same time as my presentation, I heard that ?When You Have a Lot to Lose,? with Tara Martin, Meegan Dowe, and Kenlie Tiggeman, was one of the best sessions of the weekend.

I thoroughly enjoyed and thought a lot of value was gained during Leah Segedie?s ?Business of Blogging? discussion, Liz Neporent?s ?Blog to Book,? presentation, and Sarah Dussault?s ?Harness the Power of YouTube? presentation. Anyone who attended all or some of these, including Carla?s discussion, should be publishing stronger, better content in no time. (Oh yeah, and my SEO tips, too!)

It?s hard to call out specifics because whether we were gabbing over lunch, chatting on the charter bus, catching up in the halls, or learning from one another in the sessions, it seemed there was something to take away from every single interaction.

We cannot wait to see you all again in Portland in late June! In the meantime, let?s keep in touch here on the site, by email, on our Facebook page, and on Twitter.

We?ve worked with a lot of Fitbloggin? brains before! Check out some of the archives:

Kenlie Tiggeman Sues Southwest Over ?Too Fat to Fly? Policy

Dawn Jackson Blatner?s Thai Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Leah Segedie?s True Weight Loss Story

Mark Pinhasovich?s Turkey Burger Recipe

Liz Neporent on Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery

MizFit?s Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

Wendy Bazilian?s Grocery Store Shopping Tips

Mary Hartley on How Many Calories Do We Really Need

YumYucky says it?s OK to Take Your Stomach on Vacation

September 24th, 2012

Source: http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/09/open-invitation-to-fitbloggin-attendees-to-guest-blog/

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